Prizreni Gaming Server [PRO CLASSIC]
Welcome to PGS (NM)
Plays on: Prizreni Gaming Server [PRO CLASSIC]
Welcome to PGS (NM)First time online
2024-04-22 11:51:52Last time seen online
2024-10-09 11:37:13Statistics
Total score
-1Time online
03:04:00Server info
Server name
Prizreni Gaming Server [PRO CLASSIC]Server owner
Number of servers where this player is seen
1Other servers
Check out where Welcome to PGS (NM) is also playing
Name | Server | Total score | Total time | Last seen |
Welcome to PGS (NM) | Prizreni Gaming Server [PRO CLASSIC] | -1 | 03:04:00 | 1 month ago |